Science & Technology Program
Seed Regulatory and Testing Division

Names of New Varieties and Release Date

If the form submission fails, then the alternative is to copy all (Ctrl‑a Ctrl‑c) and paste (Ctrl-v) into an email to Seed Marketing Specialist Stephen Malone at

Please help us keep track of new plant varieties and names by filling out the attached form with some information about your new variety (Federal Seed Act kinds only).  This form is to be used only for reporting varieties that have been named. 

Your Name
Your Affiliation
Email address
Variety Name (eg. Oxheart)
Hybrid Yes
Experimental Designations: 
Kind Agricultural Kind List
Vegetable Kind List
(eg. Tomato, onion, field corn)
Originator (Who developed the variety)
Release Date (Month & Year of Release)
Type (eg. Cherry tomato)
Publication: (Has it been published, where?)


Seed Testing and Clearance