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Plant Variety Protection Office - Scanned and Redacted Issued Certificates

The CMS is a database that contains an image of the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Certificate and the associated application information submitted by the applicant. For a list of varieties that have been issued a PVP Certificate, enter the certificate or application PV Number, applicant name, or plant variety name in the search box below. If searching by the PV Number, for certificates issued between 1970 and 1999, add two zeroes in front of the 7-digit number.

This is a basic search tool, special characters cannot be used in the search. If special characters are used in the plant variety name try searching by the first or last part of the name.

The PVPO also posts a monthly Application Status Report. The Application Status Report is an MS Excel spreadsheet that lists all applications received by the PVPO. This spreadsheet can be used to locate the PV Number that can be used in the search below. For assistance please contact the Office.

Issued Certificates

If you know the certificate number or applicant name simply enter the information in the search box. For certificates issued between 1970 and 1999, add two zeroes in front of the 7-digit number.

Certificate Number/Applicant Name/Variety Name:


Alternatively, you can search by selecting a crop below:

Agrotricum Canna Festulolium Orchardgrass Seashore Paspalum
Alfalfa Canola Flaccidgrass Orchid Sesame
Alkaligrass Caper Spurge Flannel flower Oregano Shallot
Almond Carrot Flax Pak-choi Snapdragon
Anthurium Cauliflower Foxtail Papaya Sneezewood
Apple Celery Fuchsia Parsley Sorghum
Artichoke Celosia Gamagrass Parsnip Soybean
Arugula Centipede Grass Gazania Pea Spinach
Asparagus Cherry Gomphrena Pea, Field Spruce
Aster Cherry, Sweet Grapevine Pea, Garden Squash
Avocado Chia Guar Peach St. Augustinegrass
Baby’s Breath Chickpea Guayule Peanut Steirodiscus
Bahiagrass Chicory Hairgrass Pear Stevia
Barley China Aster Hardinggrass Pepper Stock
Basil Chrysanthemum Hemp Petunia Strawberry
Bean Clover Hibiscus Phlox Sunflower
Bean, Faba Clover, Balansa Hydrangea Pistachio Sunn-Hemp
Bean, Field Cockscomb Kale Plantain Sweetpea
Bean, Garden Coffee Kikuyu grass Pomegranate Swiss chard
Beet Coleus Kiwifruit Poppy Switchgrass
Begonia Coreopsis Kleingrass Potato Teff
Bentgrass Coriander Laurisagrass Potato, Sweet Thistle
Bermudagrass Corn Lentil Primrose Timothy
Blackberry Corn, Field Lespedeza Pumpkin Tobacco
Blueberry Cornsalad Lettuce Quinoa Tomato
Bluegrass Cosmos Lobelia Radish Trefoil
Bluestem Cotton Lovegrass Rape Triticale
Brachiaria Cowpea Lupin Rapeseed Tufted Hairgrass
Broccoli Crabgrass Magnolia Raphanobrassica Turnip
Broccoli Raab Cucumber Mandarin Raspberry Verbena
Brome Cuphea Marigold Reed Canarygrass Vetch
Bromegrass Dahlia Meadowbrome Rescuegrass Vinca
Buckwheat Daisy Meadowfoam Rhodesgrass Wallflower
Buffalograss Delphinium Millet Rice Watermelon
Buffelgrass Dog’s-Tail Muskmelon Rutabaga Wheat
Burclover Eggplant Mustard Rye Wheat, Club
Burnet Endive Nasturtium Ryegrass Wheat, Common
Calendula Exacum Nightshade Ryegrass, Perennial Wheatgrass
Calibrachoa Fennel Oat SAFFLOWER Wildrye
Calla Lily Fescue Okra Sage Zinnia
Camelina Fescue, Fine Onion Sainfoin Zoysia
Camellia Fescue, Tall Orange Salicornia